Sakata Seed India Takes the Stage at Krushik 2022
In 2022, Sakata Seed India Pvt. Ltd. participated in the KRUSHIK Exhibition at Barmati, which took place from February 9th to February 13th. The event was visited by over 100,000 farmers from across the major vegetable-growing regions of western India. The farmers were impressed by the outstanding field performance of the 11 Sakata crops demonstrated during the event.
Most of the farmers were already familiar with Sakata’s Brassica and root crops, and they appreciated the high-quality taste and quality of Beetroot-Merlin, as well as the health benefits of Stem Broccoli-Doctor Green and Red Cabbage-Red Jewel.
We leveraged digital technologies to create a strong presence at the event. QR codes were used to provide detailed information about each hybrid product and highlights were captured through various YouTube channels like Gram Maharashtra, Agribus, and Krishi Jagran.
Our participation in the KRUSHIK Exhibition helped to build strong connections with the farmer community, policymakers, government officials, university scientists, and processing industry experts. The event also provided an opportunity for us to expand and strengthen our brand in the west Indian market. Specifically in Maharashtra.
The Maharashtra sales team, led by Dr. Jai and Ramesh, worked tirelessly to make the event a success. Team members Pradip Patil, Ashok Chavan, Rohan, Shridhar, Nitin, Pramod, and Vikas, made every effort to ensure that the event was productive and beneficial for SID’s future sales growth in Maharashtra and for establishing a strong presence for SAKATA Seed Pvt. Ltd. in western India.